The Hive Media Lab is a flexible collaboration and production space located at Cascade Public Media, nestled next to the Space Needle in KCTS 9's former pledge studio. The traditional workspace was transformed to bring new media to life — providing a space for media, tech, and creative communities to come together for collaboration and problem solving on some of media's greatest challenges. The space is also designed for education and training for collaborative teams of media and other professionals.
The Hive Media Lab also functions as a community venue. With a 2,000 sq. ft. flexible layout and occupancy up to 100 people, the Hive regularly hosts events related to media innovation such as live podcast tapings and journalism industry meet ups.
Thanks to founding sponsor Comcast, Hive Media Lab is equipped with 2-Gigabit internet service, top shelf cable TV and VoIP, conference and production technology, and more.